
Hot Topic: Data Capture within the BFCC Project

The 3rd BFCC project meeting took place September 14-15, 2017 in Palanga, Lithuania. During the meeting, the project partners exchanged updates on their activities within the work packages of the project.

Prof. Dr Wolfgang Hoffmann presented the current achievements and steps forward based on the work of the University Medicine Greifswald (UMG). With a comprehensive experience in data management of epidemiologic research, the UMG’s main objective within the BFCC project is to develop and implement the IT infrastructure for data capture as well as storage and, thereby, to establish a centralized Transnational Fracture Registry Platform at the University Medicine Greifswald.



Wolfgang Hoffmann described the preparatory work for data capture and the operation of a Trusted Third Party. The primary tasks preparing the BFCC data management for the coming EU General Data Protection Regulation of the latter are:

  • Consent management
  • Pseudonymisation
  • ID-management (master participant ID and record linkage)

Wolfgang Hoffmann declared that the configuration and the preparation, e.g. establishing network zones, setting up and running test servers, for the needed hardware was finalised now. Additionally, he gave an overview of the necessary actions to be taken next:

  • Installation and implementation of the Trusted Third Party.
  • Preparation of BFCC specific workflows for registering a participant and collecting a participant’s Informed Consent.

Altogether, the attendees of the Joint Project Meeting acknowledged the profound insight on how data capture will look like within the BFCC project in the future.

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