

  • The Transnational Fracture Registry Platform (TFRP) is ready for the first entry of patient treatment data: All hard- and software components have been installed and configured by the Institute for Community Medicine at the University Medicine Greifswald (UMG). To ensure data integrity and data safety, sophisticated measures in terms of hardware for backup and storage, as well as essential management software were implemented.

  • General secretary Peter Frank from ScanBalt fmba tells us in a video interview about the strategic and networking aspects of the BFCC project making it a unique approach to innovation in the field of fracture management.

  • The German Ambassador in Estonia, Christoph Eichhorn, visited the University of Greifswald on July 3, 2017. In preliminary talks, Henriette Rau from the Institute for Community Medicine at the UMG – the project’s leading partner for technical infrastructure and data management - presented the BFCC project, its first results and the fruitful cooperation with partners in Estonia.

  • © Alpexpo
  • Nils Reimers from Stryker Trauma represented the BFCC project at the MedFit conference at Grenoble, France from 28th to 29th June 2017. The focus of the conference was the collaboration between medical technology industries and clinicians. How this works within the Baltic Fracture Competence Center, Nils Reimers showed during his presentation. Together with his project partner, Anders Jönsson from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, he initiated a lively discussion about the identification of clinical needs – one of the preconditions for innovation.